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Harlem in Disorder: A Spatial History of How Racial Violence Changed in 1935

In the Court of General Sessions on March 27 (3)

Five newspapers reported the three guilty pleas. The stories in the Daily News, New York Times, New York Herald Tribune and the New York Amsterdam News all named the three men and gave their ages and addresses. The New York Post mentioned only that the men were "Three Negroes." The New York Amsterdam News omitted details of the charges and pleas; all the other publications noted that the men had been charged with burglary and pled to unlawful entry in the case of Jackson and Wright and petit larceny in the case of Wade.

Only the Daily News and New York Herald Tribune included details of what the men had done. The Daily News did so only for Jackson, who it reported "who took $100 worth of pipes and jewelry." The New York Herald Tribune added that the merchandise came from a cigar store on 7th Avenue. It also reported that Wade had taken a toy pistol from a store on 127th Street. Neither story provided details of what Wright had done. That additional information somewhat countered how pleading to a lesser charge diminished the seriousness of what Jackson had done, while having the opposite result in Wade's case, leaving the New York Herald Tribune's readers with a somewhat confused picture of whether these convictions involved men who played a major role in the disorder.

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