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Harlem in Disorder: A Spatial History of How Racial Violence Changed in 1935

Injured and arrested (5)

Four Black men arrested for assault, and one arrested for inciting a riot and possession of a firearm are recorded as being injured.

In two cases, that injury is mentioned in accounts of the assault. Paul Boyett was shot in the right shoulder by a policeman who alleged he was part of a group the officer interrupted assaulting Timothy Murphy. A physician from Knickerbocker Hospital attended him at the 30th Precinct, after which he was placed in a cell. Charles Alston allegedly fell when trying to escape police by jumping from the roof of one building to an adjacent building. He landed on a ledge three floors below, fracturing his skull. Photographs of Alston's arrest show him holding his head, but the severity of his injury only became apparent at the police station, when he passed out — a detail reported only in the Home News. Alston did appear in the lists of the injured published by several newspapers.

In two cases, accounts of the assault make no mention of an injury to the men arrested, which could indicate that they had been assaulted by police. James Smitten, arrested for assaulting William Kitlitz, had "lacerations of [sic] scalp" that may have come at the hands of Kitlitz during the alleged assault, or from police during his arrest. A physician from Harlem Hospital attended him at the 28th Precinct, where he remained after treatment. Isaac Daniels, arrested for assaulting Herman Young by throwing a stone through the window of his store, had "contusions" of his left arm that may have come from police during his arrest according to the list of the injured in the New York Post.

No details survive of the circumstances of the fifth case. Hashi Mohammed, a twenty-two-year-old Black man identified as of "Abyssinian" origin, charged with inciting a riot and possession of a firearm, also appeared in three newspapers' lists of the injured.

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