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Harlem in Disorder: A Spatial History of How Racial Violence Changed in 1935

New York Penal Law, § 1298-1299: Petit larceny

Consolidated Laws of the State of New York, 1909, ch. 88

§ 1290. Larceny defined. A person who, with the intent to deprive or defraud the true owner of his property, or of the use and benefit thereof, or to appropriate the same to the use of the taker, or of any other person:
  1. Takes from the possession of the true owner, or of any other person; or obtains from such possession by color or aid of fraudulent or false representation or pretense, or of any false token or writing; or secretes, withholds, or appropriates to his own use, or that of any person other than the true owner, any money, personal property, thing in action, evidence of debt or contract, or article of value of any kind; or,
  2. Having in his possession, custody or control, as a bailee, association, or corporation, or as a public officer, or as a person authorized by agreement, or by competent authority, to hold or take such possession, custody, or control, any money, property, evidence of debt or contract, article of value of any nature, or thing in action or possession, appropriates tho same to his own use, or that of any other person other than the true owner or person entitled to tho benefit thereof,
Steals such property, and is guilty of larceny.

§ 1296. Grand larceny in second degree. A person is guilty of grand larceny in the second degree who, under circumstances not amounting to grand larceny in the first degree, in any manner specified in this article, steals or unlawfully obtains or appropriates:
  1. Property of the value of more than one hundred dollars, but not exceeding five hundred dollars, in any manner whatever; or [Amended 1927]
  2. Property of any value, by taking the same from the person of another; or,
  3. A record of a court or officer, or a writing, instrument or record kept filed or deposited according to law, with, or in keeping of any, public office or officer. [Amended 1927]

§1298 Petit Larceny Defined. Every other larceny is petit larceny.

§1299 Petit Larceny a misdemeanor. Petit larceny is a misdemeanor.

New York Penal Law


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