This page was created by Anonymous. 

Harlem in Disorder: A Spatial History of How Racial Violence Changed in 1935

[Photograph] "The End of the Harlem Riot...," Daily Mirror, April 1, 1935, 17.

Full caption: "The End of the Harlem Riot. Considerably shaken prisoners are solemnly herded into the patrol wagon, after police had picked them up for rioting, on that horrible night when all Harlem went temporarily mad."

The rear of the wagon appears to be in the left-hand side of the image. To its right the outlines of three men and one police officer are visible, moving toward the wagon. Another figure, behind the police officer, could be another prisoner or another police officer. The details of what was in front of the wagon is not visible in the microfilm image; it may be a police officer with his back to the camera, guiding the men into the wagon.

In the Daily Mirror

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