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Harlem in Disorder: A Spatial History of How Racial Violence Changed in 1935

Shot & wounded (6)

Only six individuals were shot and wounded during the disorder, notwithstanding the extensive press reporting of gunfire during the disorder (three of those killed were also shot). The targets of four shootings were black men, whereas those hit by objects were mostly white men and women. Like attacks with objects, shootings were attacks from a distance, so assailants who could not be easily identified. Police arrested no one for any of shootings; James Thompson, the man who allegedly shot a police officer, was shot and killed by police.

Those shot in the disorder appear in the lists of the injured published by newspapers, and, with two exceptions, in hospital admissions records. In the press the names are accompanied only by brief descriptions of the nature of their wounds, about which different publications rarely agreed. Twenty-five-year-old Wilmont Hendricks was shot in the chest according to AA, Am, AW, HT, NJG, and NYP; in the back according to the NYDN, NYJ, and NYT; and in the left shoulder according to the HN – and the admission record. That source included the details that the shooting had occurred on Lenox Ave between 128th and 129th Streets “in some unknown manner.” Hospital staff recorded that Victor Fain likewise received his wound in “an unknown manner, and Clarence London “while walking,” as did De Soto Windgate according to the records of the 32nd Precinct. In Benjamin Bell’s case, the language is more specific if not more revealing; his wound was received “when fired upon by some unknown person.”

It is likely that police were responsible for most of these shootings. Officers assigned to control the disorder carried not just pistols but also “riot guns” — rifles. Images of armed officers are a staple of the photographs that accompanied newspaper stories. At least by the time looting started around midnight, a range of sources record that police were firing at crowds in an effort to disperse them. (The only individuals identified as having shot someone during the disorder were police officers, those who killed Lloyd Hobbs and James Thompson and wounded Paul Boyett). All these shootings took place after 1 am, and with one exception, in areas where looting occurred, or in case of 125th and 7th Avenue, where police were stationed. The one exception is De Soto Windgate, who was shot while walking on West 144th Street, six blocks from any other disorder. Details of his shooting appear only in the 32nd Precinct records of individuals aided by officers; the only connection to the disorder is the timing of his shooting. That leaves open the possibility it could be unrelated to the disorder. If they were hit by police bullets, the men may not have been the targets of those shots. When officers shot at James Thompson as he fled a building on 8th Avenue, stray bullets hit two white men on the other side of the street. Police firing into crowds to disperse them could also have hit bystanders.

On the other hand, there is little evidence that members of the crowd were firing guns during the disorder. A Boston-bound bus traveling through the neighborhood did exit with eleven bullet holes.  Several white newspapers and the Associated Press reported a group of men firing on police from a rooftop on 138th St. and Lenox Avenue at the very end of the disorder. But the fullest account of those events, in the Home News, does not offer clear evidence that a shooting took place: the officers who made the arrests responded to the sound of gunshots rather than seeing a shooting, and found no guns on the four men they arrested – “During the chase they are said to have thrown away their pistols.” Charged only with disorderly conduct, three of the men, Albert Yerber, Edward Loper and Ernest Johnson, were tried and acquitted in the Magistrates Court – hardly lending credence to their involvement in shooting at police. In addition, two men arrested in the disorder were charged with possession of a firearm, one white and one black. No stories about the circumstances of their arrests appear in the press, as you would expect had they been involved in shootings. In two striking examples, white papers reported gun fights that did not happen. When Stanley Dondoro was hit by shots fired by two detectives pursuing James Thompson, an New York Evening Journal story reported Dondoro had been hit by “other rioters [who] returned the fire.” The Associated Press story had only (the unarmed) Thompson involved in a “gun battle” with the detectives that saw “ten persons” shot.

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