This tag was created by Anonymous.  The last update was by Stephen Robertson.

Harlem in Disorder: A Spatial History of How Racial Violence Changed in 1935

Mayor La Guardia's Commission on the Harlem Riot of March 19, 1935, The Complete Report of Mayor La Guardia's Commission on the Harlem Riot of March 19, 1935. New York: Arno Press, 1969.

This version of the MCCH report is the unedited text written by E. Franklin Frazier, which was published in the New York Amsterdam News on July, 18, 1936. It does not include the front matter in the version edited by MCCH members that was submitted to Mayor La Guardia, a covering letter  and a foreword describing the MCCH members, and their contributions to the investigation and report. Instead, it reprinted the story that the New York Amsterdam News published to accompany the text of the report.

Published Primary Sources: Books

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